Thursday, February 27, 2025

Peace, Love, and Zen Vibes

 If you've been here before, you might be wondering where all the posts disappeared to. They haven't really disappeared. They're in my newest book, PEACE, LOVE, AND ZEN VIBES.

Buddhi, the quirky, coffee-fueled hippie, is blogging his way to mindfulness, one messy moment at a time. With wisdom as rich as his bad coffee and a sense of humor as irreverent as his beat-up ’68 VW bus, he shares his musings on life, love, and the art of finding Zen in the chaos.

From sitting through life’s storms to finding meaning in dragonfly wings, Buddhi’s posts are full of the everyday enlightenment you didn’t know you needed. Whether he’s reflecting on the universe over a sunflower’s bloom or tackling the mystery of why coffee tastes better by a lotus pond, his unique take on mindfulness will make you laugh, think, and maybe even breathe a little deeper.

A delightful companion to COFFEE STAINS AND DRAGONFLIES, this collection of blog posts is perfect for anyone searching for peace, purpose, or just a good laugh.

Grab your coffee—cracked mug optional—and join Buddhi on his journey of finding Zen vibes in the messy, beautiful adventure of life.

Available on Amazon. 

Monday, February 24, 2025

Coffee Stains and Dragonflies is Published

Just wanted to let you all know that COFFEE STAINS AND DRAGONFLIES is now available in both ebook and print.

 Buddhi isn’t your typical spiritual guide. Named “Buddha” by his free-spirited, hippie parents, he tweaked the name to something that felt a little more down-to-earth. After trading his Ferrari for a beat-up ‘68 VW bus and swapping the chaos of Wall Street for a quiet lotus pond, he’s searching for enlightenment.

With a dragonfly named Miles as his muse, Buddhi has turned the pond into the epicenter of his journey toward mindfulness. Armed with a ukulele, truly terrible coffee, and an irreverent sense of humor, he blogs his way through life’s big questions and small absurdities.

As a revolving cast of quirky visitors show up at the pond, drawn to the unconventional wisdom on his blog,
Peace, Love, and Zen Vibes, Buddhi begins to question whether mindfulness is really about stillness—or if it’s about dancing through the beautiful, messy chaos of life.

But the pond is just a stop on the journey, not the destination. As Buddhi wrestles with the messy beauty of life, he realizes that mindfulness isn’t about escaping the chaos—it’s about learning to groove with it, coffee stains and all.

Lighthearted, wise, and delightfully offbeat,
Coffee Stains and Dragonflies invites you to embrace the messiness of life, one mindful moment at a time.

Buy on Amazon... $4.99.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

The Magic of Small Things

Have you ever stopped to notice the way sunlight dances on water? Or the sound of leaves crunching under your feet?

These are the small things—the quiet, often-overlooked moments that make life beautiful. They don’t demand attention, but they’re there, waiting to be noticed.

The magic of small things is that they remind us to slow down. To stop chasing the big, loud, flashy stuff and instead, savor the little joys that make life rich.

So today, notice the small things. The way leaves of a tree rustle in the breeze, the smell of rain, the shimmer of a dragonfly’s wings. That’s where the magic lives.

Peace, small joys, and big smiles,

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Blogging About Blogging

You may be wondering why I decided to write a blog. Easy. I’m writing a blog in the book. Yep, meta, right? The blog in the book is called Peace, Love, and Zen Vibes. Catchy, huh? My author nailed it.

So, what do I blog about? Life, mostly. How it’s messy and unpredictable and somehow still beautiful. I blog about coffee, because let’s be honest—if you can’t find Zen in a cup of coffee, are you even trying? And then there are the other thoughts that meander through my mind (well, okay, my author’s mind, but let’s not overthink it).

I also blog about Miles. Who’s Miles, you ask? He’s my muse. He’s also a dragonfly. I know, sounds weird, but he’s the wisest little bug I’ve ever met. The guy has wings that shimmer like a kaleidoscope and a knack for showing up just when I need a nudge in the right direction.

Here’s the thing about blogging: it’s like having a conversation with the universe. I toss my thoughts out there, and sometimes, the universe tosses them back in the form of comments, questions, or the occasional existential crisis. It’s all part of the journey.

So, whether you’re here for the coffee musings, the life lessons, or just to see what a guy with a dragonfly muse has to say, welcome. Let’s navigate this beautifully messy thing called life together.

Peace, coffee, and dragonfly vibes,

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Escaping the Pages

Coffee Stains and Dragonflies is officially in progress. And no, it’s not a self-help manual or a memoir about my questionable coffee-making skills (though that could be a chapter).

It’s a novel about my time at the lotus pond—a journey filled with quirky characters, irreverent humor, and my search for everyday enlightenment. It’s a reminder that mindfulness isn’t about escaping the chaos—it’s about finding your groove in the middle of it.

Now, full disclosure: I’m not real. I know, shocking. I’m a figment of my author’s imagination. I started out as a thought in my author’s mind—a little seed of an idea that grew roots and wings. (Hi, Author! Thanks for letting me borrow the keyboard.)

Turns out, when you write a character into a story, they don’t always stay on the page. Sometimes, they leap off, grab a ukulele, and start writing a blog. That’s me. I bloomed.

Here’s the thing about writing a book: It’s hard. Like, “sitting-on-top-of-a-mountain-during-a-thunderstorm” hard. (I’ve done that, by the way. Long story. Maybe I’ll blog about it later.) Some days, it flows like the pond on a windless morning. Other days, the words don’t always come, and when they do, they’re often wearing mismatched socks. Writing, like life, is messy.

So, why write a blog when the book’s already happening? Simple. The book is about what I’m learning—finding Zen, getting my groove back, embracing the messiness of life. But here’s the thing: the journey didn’t stop just because the author put a period at the end of a sentence. Life keeps going, and I’ve got a lot more to say.

Coffee Stains and Dragonflies is kind of like this blog, but with more pages and fewer typos. It’s about finding peace in the small things—like a good cup of coffee—and realizing that the journey is just as important as the destination.

So, here I am, sharing the journey as it unfolds. Thanks for joining me. Let’s keep navigating the mess together, one coffee stain at a time.

Peace, lotus blooms, and dragonfly wings,

Available on Amazon... $4.99.

Tuesday, January 7, 2025


So, this is it. My first official blog post. No pressure, right?

You might be wondering: Who’s this guy, and why is he writing a blog? Fair question. Let’s get the basics out of the way. The name’s Buddhi. (Yes, my hippie parents actually named me Buddha. Yes, I changed it. No, I don’t regret it.) 

I traded in my three-piece suits and a Wall Street corner office for a beat-up ‘68 VW bus and a quiet lotus pond. Why? Because somewhere along the way, I lost my groove. And I figured the best way to find it again was to stop chasing the chaos and start embracing the stillness.

But here’s the thing about stillness—it’s not always quiet. Sometimes, it’s loud. Like, dragonfly-wings-beating, frog-croaking, life-is-messy loud. And that’s where the magic happens.

PEACE, LOVE, AND ZEN VIBES isn’t about being perfect, and it’s not about pretending I’ve got it all figured out (spoiler alert: I don’t). It’s about finding the beauty in the mess, the Zen in the coffee stains, and the wisdom in a dragonfly named Miles.

So, pull up a chair—or a patch of grass—and let’s navigate this wild, unpredictable thing called life. Together, we’ll laugh, we’ll reflect, and we’ll probably spill a little coffee along the way.

Welcome to the journey.

Peace, dragonflies, and infinite cups of coffee,